The Second Month


The second month of the Ethiopian Calendar is known as “Month of Tikmet.” The Book of Synaxarium in its introduction section states about this month saying, “The time of the day is 11 hours; and after this decreases.” This means from the 24 hours of the day, the night is 13 hours and as for the light, is 11 hours. Therefore, on the month of Tikmet, the night hour is long than the day.

The word “Tikmet” comes from the Geeze word, which is “Tekim Tekimot” to mean “a made root.” The world is created on this month and so is known as “The beginning of work.”

Aleka Kidane Wolde Kiflae translates the word Tikmet as, “Name of a month; second of Meskerem, a Fruit, flower as its base; Month of Fruit; season of grain.” (Aleka Kidane Wolde Kiflae’s Dictionary. page 508)

Tikmet: The Month of Flower

The Month of Tikmet is known as a month of flower. On the Saint Yared’s song, the time from Meskerem 26 up to Hidar 5 stated as “Month of Tsige (flower).” The wide period of the month of Tsige befalls on the Month of Tikmet.

The Month of Tsige is the period of flower. For His good will of endowing happiness for all, the Lord first created stars for the beauty of the sky, Tsige (flower) for the ornament of the earth. By this, the stars beautify the sky whereas flowers the earth. As they beautify the universe of the Lord, so are laities to the church, with their good fight.

The Wise King Solomon said, “For lo, the winter is past, the rain is over and gone. The flowers appear on the earth; The time of singing has come, And the voice of the turtledove Is heard in our land. The fig tree puts forth her green figs, And the vines with the tender grapes Give a good smell.” (Songs 2:11-13)

Flower is the example of Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, Holy Mother Saint Virgin Mary, the Holy Cross and the Church, since it is the beautification of the eye and the base for fruit.

1. Flower as example of the Lord

Praise to His name, Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is exemplified by a flower for He gave as His Holy Flesh and Holy Blood and become the base of fruit.
Alike vegetables and cereals face impediments hindering their growth, and so are those Christian’s in the name of Christ, to enter His kingdom after passing many obstacles. (Matthew 13:1)

2. Flower as example of Holy Mother

Flower has charisma and attractiveness in its outer side and is the life breath of animals. Thus, our Holy Mother is resembled by flower as she is the mother of the real fruit. She is also praised by creatures for her unique present. (Book of Diguwa of Tsige)

3. Flower as example of the Holy Cross

The Holy Cross of Christ in which was the reason for the congregation of pupil and gentiles in harmony on the sixth day and is represented by flower that bees surround it in unity for the work of honey. (Book of Diguwa of Tsige)

4. Flower as example of the Holy Church

Our Holy Orthodox Incarnation (Tewahedo) Church is represented by flower, blossomed as new, periodically. Saint Yared talked about it in his book. (Book of Diguwa of Tsige)

Tikmet: Season of Grain

The Israelis use to celebrate the “Feast of Grain” after entering Canaan, during the summer season, where flower bloom and the heaven opens. It is said, “Also on the day of the first fruits, when you bring a new grain offering to the Lord at your Feast of Weeks, you shall have a holy convocation. You shall do no customary work.” (Numbers 28:26) And when they celebrate, they carried bunch of flowers that has sweet aroma and is eye catching. They also took the grain to the temple and gave it to the Archpriest for their prayer, scarification and benediction.

They celebrated this feast after crossing the Eritrean Sea on the Month of Miaziya later on the Feast of unleavened bread, on the fifth day. In their country, it is the month that winter passes, and Autumn begins, which is the season of flower, grain and fruit.

In our country, grain is produced on the Season of Autumn onwards Meskerem 26, especially on the Month of Tikmet and hence we call this time “Mewaele Seweet” locally to mean “The Season of Grain.”

May God be with us, Amen!