The Twelfth Month

Our country Ethiopia is embraced with sundry graces. Her beautiful infrastructure, natural resources and the Thirteen Months of Sunshine are few to be mentioned. As she is the only one who has thirteen months from any other country of the world, it makes her unique.

The twelfth month “Nehassie” in particular has its own consecrations. This season of winter is which we are endowed rain, plants, vegetables, flowers, grass and as such. We are graced with the fullness of oceans, seas, lakes, river and the wind blow. Desolated hills are rewarded; headwaters are strengthened.

This is the month which much rain is present accompanied by thunder and sparkles, causing flood; A horrific storm occurs in Nehassie; It is also a time that the sown crop in most part of the country shows the bud to bloom, crops such as barely seeds and potatoes grow for food; and the rain and wind is believed to be healthy for humans and cattle.

We might have another reason to like this month especially for even children are eager for its reaching in relation to our Holy Mother Saint Mary. Fathers, Mothers, youngsters and children get ready for fasting and partaking the Holy Communion, the Priests performing “Prayer of Seatate” and Patristic Fathers performing the Praise and Liturgy of Saint Mary is memorable.

All calling her “Come to us, come to us”, pleading her seize not to give in adoration. She then come with her vow of covenant. We are contended with our Holy Mother Saint Mary’s love and benediction. In hope of her intercession and mediation, we remain throughout the month.

This is the month in which Saint Mary was concealed; the apostles fasted for the burial of her body; the resurrection and ascension of our Holy Mother to heavens. (Ethiopian Synaxarium of Nehassie 7 and 16)

Nehassie is a month that the Feast of Transfiguration (Beale Debre Tabore) befalls, on 13th day; which is the revelation of The Holy Son, Lord and Savior Jesus Christ ‘s Divinity on Mount Tabor. It is also a commemoration time of Saints Fathers Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. (Ethiopian Synaxarium of Nehassie 13 and 28)

Generally, Nehassie is a month we are longing dearly, filled with hope and love; that our Holy Mother’s love is kept in our heart and her taste in our mouth.

May the love, intercession and mediation of our Holy Mother Saint Mary be with us all, Amen!