The First Month


The First Month of the Ethiopian Liturgical Year is known as “Mesekerem.” The Amharic word “Mesekerem,” is derived from two Geeze words “Meseyae,” and “Kereme.” When we define these words separately, they give the following meanings. The first word “Meseyae” is defined as “becoming dark, evening.” And the second one is “Kereme,” meaning rain. Then, the compound word is termed as “the ending of winter.” The meaning of this month’s name is also defined as “the beginning, primary, the beginning for the whole world, the head of the winter seasons, the first month and the arrival of autumn.” (Aleka Kidan Wolde Kiflea Page 612)

The Book of Synaxarium states that this month is the first of new year for the Ethiopians as well as the Egyptians. In Coptic Synaxarium, the first month is known as, “Tute.” This is the month where we begin a new year leaving the old one. It is named after the Saint John the Baptist, as he is considered as the transition from the Old Testament to the New Testament, for he preached repentance, the coming of the judgment day and inheritance of God’s Kingdom. (Mark 1:15)

Patristic Fathers received the Liturgical Year of feasts including “Mount of Olive, Hosanna, Crucifixion, Resurrection, Ascension and Pentecost as well as these days of fasts, The Fast Nineveh, The Great Lent, The Fast of Apostles, Fasts of Salvation.

On the first day of the Month of Meskerem, we sing the song “Mahelaete,”in our Church and the Liturgical Year of Feasts and Fasts are announced. The calendar days of feasts and fasts are derived from the Liturgical Year announcement announced on the day of Mesekrem 1st.

Additionally, on this day, wheat, currants, incense and water used for scarification are presented for prayer on them. This is the representation of our prayer to God saying “accept our spiritual gift on the new year; have mercy on us and bless the year for us.”

The Age of John

According to the Psalm of Saint Yared, the days from Mesekerem 1st to 7 are known as “The Age of John.” The Saint has received his crown of martyrdom on Meskerem 2 and the year is named after his name.  Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ has witnessed about him saying, “Assuredly, I say to you, among those born of women there has not risen one greater than John the Baptist; but he who is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he.” (Matthew 11:11)

The Evangelist Apostle Saint John has also said, “this was He of whom I said, ‘He who comes after me is preferred before me, for He was before me. And of His fullness we have all received, and grace for grace.  For the law was given through Moses, but grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.” (John 1:15-18) These words are witnesses about the revelation of Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and as the martyrdom of Saint John occurred on the second day of Mesekrem, so the days from Mesekerem 1st to 8th are known as “The Age of John.”
