540 Konso Community Members Baptized

February 2, 2016 
Though Christianity in Ethiopia dates to the 1st century AD as it clearly shown in the New Testament (Acts 8:26-38) when Philip the Evangelist converted an Ethiopian court official, the church still has been baptizing its new believers.

Currently, Gamo Gofa Diocese of Konso Wereda ministerial priesthood office under the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahido Church baptized 540 members of Konso community on January 20, 2016. The new baptized members are residents of Abaroba, Doro, Arfayde, Akayle, Gulayde, Boyde, Madrya and Kashele local areas. 
The Diocese performed the baptismal ceremony in collaboration with Mahibere Kidusan’s Arba Minch branch office, Karat center and Campus fellow Christian students and Konso Wereda Ministerial Priesthood Office.

The Konso Diocese has made an effort to expand evangelization to new areas to preach the gospel of God and has been baptizing new believers. Mahibere Kidusan has been supporting for the success of the program in financing trainers (preachers), in establishing new Sunday schools, generate trainers for the new believer in their own tongue. 

 In addition to coordinating the baptismal service, Mahibere Kidusan provided clothings, traditional cotton shawl and neck cross to the newly baptized Christians during this baptizing ceremony.