The Sweet Fruit

I marvel by the nature endowing me, you, the fruit of my life; I first saw you in the heavenly lush inside heaven. Your edge reaches up to the sky; your fruit is layered like a roman; “The Sweet Fruit” you are whole head to toe. Before my mouth finishes tasting your flavor, you substitute; when I eat one of your fruits, the test from my mouth and aroma from my nose, remains for seven days.

I get amazed thinking the words of our forefathers “Her aroma separates the soul from the body without any ailment or pain.” How is it possible to describe this splendid work of God? I can only say “marvelous!” All who tasted you, marveled! The sweet fruit of which God’s wisdom is revealed, you are irreplaceable!

The good aromatic fruit! you are my gift from God for eternity. I grieved for my lack of awareness of your nature in the heaven to devour you. I brought death on myself eating the forbidden fruit though the Lord created you as sweet. Yet! I see you now! The sweet fruit, you cured my soul!

The sign of for salvation and the revelation of God’s mercy, the enemy through manipulation of the serpent, took me out of my heavenly house; but then, you took out the poison from my throat when I ate you the sweet fruit from the life plant. Unfortunate that I was unable to forget the first day I sinned which tormented me for 5500 years. My Adam’s apple is a reminder of the struggle I made to hinder the poison entering inside me when I realize I defied God’s Law.

How shall I reembrace my holiness? How can I regain my chastity? Where I can find my childhood? The death plant which obsoleted me from my Lord, took me out from heaven and brought me to this worst and the darkest world; so then my life got sour. I lost peace and happiness. I became hopeless. If I were not able to be reminded about the Lord’s convention in saving me, I would have grieved and mourned more.

Earth awaited for the age of apostasy, to reveal your honor and prominence, though my sinful act brought me to this world putting me into misery. When it was time, the mother of living beings, replaced by the mother of redeemer, Saint Virgin Mary, you flourished and fruited alike Aron’s rod. The white dove, Pure Lady Virgin, you are the sweet fruit on the life plant.

It seems like it is for this reason your mother and father named you “Mariam.” The sweetest food on earth, “Honey” and “Yam” the sweetest food in heaven became your name. Our Lady Virgin, you are the sweet fruit who is my gate to the Kingdom of Heaven, when calling your name.

While the vine was cut and crucified on earth, you were found under the cross to fulfil His Holy Flesh and Holy Blood He incarnated from your body and soul, that the Saint Angel sprinkled on the world after receiving it in a cup on His crucifixion. We receive, eat and drink you with it, to preserve the poison entering us, thru the death cup that the enemy made mankind drink. The sweet fruit, you are the soul food.

As I was cursed for my sin, soul of mine called upon you, hungered.  “Virgin Mary mother of God, through you was broken the previous curse, which was upon our race due to the wickedness committed by the women when she ate from the tree.” …It was prophesized, “God swore to David in righteousness, and He will not repent; “From the fruit of your belly. I will seat upon your throne”, Mother of God, as you are “of this salvation the prophets have inquired”, I crave you and so be in life!

Mother of world’s redeemer, you are our cure. Angels surrounding you from right and left, Holy Mother, you stand at the right side of God and so, your honor is special. Lady Virgin Mary, you are the cure of our soul whom the life fruit is born.

The Syrian Saint Ephraim, who wrote of you as, The Only Begotten Son, born from you, “He gave to us to eat from the tree of life; that is the flesh of Christ, and His precious blood,” amazed by you, praised saying, “what understanding? and what language? and whose ears are able to comprehend this marvelous mystery, which is proclaimed about him?”

The Sweet Fruit of my life, I praise you as well!

Source: – Book of Aximaros of the “Third and Six day,” Thursday’s Praise of Mary, Mariology and Holy Bible (The New Testament)