The Strengthened Heart

Years ago, his envious heart use to drive the conscious mind out of control, unable to gather the thoughts and make just decision. He saw the straight path twisted, the highest hill as low, the bulged and uneven alike comfortable, incapable to make a right decision. Love changed all this. It lighted his haughty eyes, dissipates his over pride and gloom giving him eternal peace.

How about now? What does he feel? Is he in love or feeling hearted? What about his thoughts? It is good or bad? Is he living in compliant or in praise? The one who died for love knows this. When heart envy, it obeys for the sake of love; Think of virtue but not harm; And be good; Neither complain nor hates, but lives in praise. He might have been agonized severely, still he passes all this in patience without hate.

The strengthened heart knows love; Adores with a true feeling; Though it might cause him death, he endured all the pain. He loves with his absolute heart in special way, choosing to be in elated pain. The power of love straightened the heart!

Then, the strengthened heart tolerated whilst they load problems. He received them with humility and goodness when they insulted. Retorted in love to their hate; blessed them when they cursed. Do virtuous in response to their evil. It is so disappointing, as twisted their heart is, being hurdle to the strengthened heart! Who could tell them the probity of embracing love, peace, hope and goodness in unity as well as harmony with clear consciousness and goodness?   

Looking at him in slander, disdain and with tongues that hurts feelings, the twisted hearts strive day and night for him to lose hope and do harm. Then, they are afar from virtue. A twisted heart is unware of happiness and hence become harmful assuming to be aware.

It is astonishing how He created heart in small seize which embraces love or hate, good or bad, happiness and sadness, compliant or praise, anxiety and rest.The nature of its beautified contour carrying the precious life breathe with the heart beat that is restless,is without a doubt to amaze all.

The strengthened heart, understanding this, is abided by one law; He surrender to the powerful love; Abided; not with physicality but good will; neither with pretentious but with truth; by absolute virtue and love of the Lord but not with vanity. Then he became pure and holy.

Once he began the journey of the holy life, faced all the barriers in front; those with jealous and devious heart, came upfront; one at the right, the other on the left side; one at front and the last at the back bringing all the agony.

At this time, he looked up to the heavens; thought of his creator; begged; pleaded; called upon the Lord Who died for love saying; “Behold, Lord, considered your servant; do not leave him.” The prayer reached, for he is pure and holy. He was accepted by the Lord.  The way of triumphing on his enemies was revealed to him by The Holy Spirit. He won their jealous and enviousness by wisdom; hate with love; slander and insult with tolerance.

They then came up to him with his existence whilst he strives for survival. Obscuring his work, daily routine, hindering sustenance and drinks. He did not compliant though, living with or without once a consumption, learning from the Lord.

The twisted hearts, realizing their defeat, attempted to destroy him in another way. More than anything, strived to kill. Their devious envy raging eternally, disabled their standing, sitting, sleeping and existing, leaving them restless.

Facing upfront, unable to cover their hate and jealous, came to defeat and fail him just as enemy; Shame for they are the enemies who are without love, kindness and goodness, considering the strengthened heart as enemy in blame of him. Is this due to stupidity or arrogance?

Yet, the strengthened heart did not fear and persisted by faith for his Lord taught him to die for love. His heart craved for him, since he was devoid of fear of corporeal death and urged to go to the creator by the salvation of the soul.

The enemies became more twisted knowing this. They showed him many kinds of torturing methods and instruments that could make his body as if it never existed. However, the strengthened heart become happier and reached to them, ready to be agonized, being curious to see the Lord. This is why he was sacrificed; without hearing the advices of the enemies or being afraid of their threatening, just looking to the heavens, enduring all the agony, he died agonized for love!

Glory be to God!