The Good Dove

Most honored from any other, white and heavenly illustrating purity and chastity, she flies in grace. Preliminary from her birth, the creator embraced her with heavenly grace and acquiescent, lived surrounded by the heavenly soldiers, risen high above, flying, departed from her family.

By then, the recipient amazed by her nature and conferred to prepare her dwelling; called upon her Lord; He then revealed His will for those chosen, the holy place protected by the soldiers. The good dove loved her dwelling. Abided her Lord with absolute humility and love.

The time of her conception reached and she came out of the sacred place and be preserved with the new safeguard and gave birth. By then the enemy came ensnaring, as the heavenly protector warned her that he seeks to destroyed her house and kill her baby, she flees to the forest. Whilst the voyage to the wilderness, she feared for her baby other than herself. Protecting Him in her armpit and carrying Him at her backside, she hurried.

She has persisted watching Him in loving eyes, feed Him in His hunger reaping, fetched water for His thirst and warmed Him in her embrace whilst cold time. That time of melancholy and travail passed and the good dove returned to her country with her baby.

By then she has faced obstacles but seize not to be humble, loving and live in holiness. Yet, when her baby started to grow, she was in fear of his loose, disappearance, or else being killed by enemy and thus watched Him. However, was unable to keep Him from going to the place where He desired. As her Lord, He did His will. She is His mother though and so keep a close eye on Him. nurtured and welcomed Him by loving arm when He returns.

There isn’t any sacrifice that the good dove has not paid for the groom baby in raising Him honorably. Grieving in His grief, in tears, when His oppressor hunted her, she grieved much.

The enemy’s Jealousy and envy overindulged, they set to torment and fail Him. Incapable of triumphing upon Him, they agreed on killing Him. The good dove feared of this day but He awaited for Hi death.

The time came for groom to enter His house and therefore it was a must to separate. The hatred overindulged for they succeeded on capturing Him. They dragged with His neck like a prisoner. They tormented in collaboration. He chose silence even if accused, convicted and tortured without His crime. He endured all the pain with love.

Witnessing this, the good dove’s her stomach swelled. She wept all the way through, falling and rising on the land grieving much. It was unbearable when they told her He died. She refused to eat anything for three days.

On the third day, He rise from the dead and her happiness was doubled. Her heart was filled with contentment looking into His eyes.

She then faced sorrow again. Though He rise, did not stay much with her. He rose up and up high making His abode there. The good dove was solo. She thought of and awaited the day of going to Him. Once upon the day, she saw Him in her dreams. He showed her the marvelous place of His abode and promised to take her to Him.

The good dove’s destiny was to be the mother of Him for He is teacher; healer; cure and redeemer. He is the King of the world and so, she became the Queen.

The day came and He told her she was going to die. The good dove asked “why” when she hear her death. When He told her, her death was honorable, she wished of dying not only once but seven times. On the holy day, it was her departure. It did not stop there. She rose like Him and flew to the heavens surrounded by the heavenly soldiers. Soared shot up in the air and met Him for she was in absolute happiness!

Just as The Wise King praised you saying, “My dove, my perfect one, Is the only one, The only one of her mother, The favorite of the one who bore her. The daughters saw her And called her blessed, The queens and the concubines, And they praised her” we praise you as same, our Holy Mother Saint Virgin Mary! (Songs of Solomon 6:9)

Praise and glory to our Holy Mother!