The Deliverance of St Cyriacus & His Mother St Julietta

July 25, 2016
By Tsegaye Girma 
The Ethiopian church celebrates the deliverance of St. Qirqos (Cyriacus) and his mother St. Iyyeluta (Julietta) from the tortures of the governor of Tarsus through the help of the angel of God, St. Gabriel. Hamle 19 (July 26) is dedicated to venerate the archangel and to remember his steadfast support to the saints.

The Ethiopian church has also set the 15th day of every Ethiopian month in honor of St. Cyriacus and St. Julietta with the great annual feast falling on the 15th of Tir (January 23). There are also many churches dedicated to St. Cyriacus across Ethiopia. The deliverance of those saints is narrated in the Ethiopic Synaxaruim as follows:

And on this day also St. Cyriacus (Qirkos) and Julitta (Iyyeluta) his mother became martyrs.  When the child was three years old, his mother left her native land Iconium and went with her son to Tarsus fleeing from the Governor who was persecuting Christians. 

Unfortunately, upon their arrival at Tarsus, they found the brother of the governor from whom they had fled. Certain men laid information against them before the governor’s brother, and urged St. Julitta to worship the idols. She responded saying, “Ask the child whose days are three years to tell us whether it is good for us to worship the idols or not.” 

God gave the child strength. Then the child spoke and cursed the emperor and his gods, and all those who were there marveled greatly at him. The governor was ashamed, and he severely tortured the child and his mother. But God delivered them safely many times through the help of St. Gabriel. After seeing the miracles, many people believed in the Lord Jesus Christ, and received the crown of martyrdom. 

Lastly, the Governor ordered to have the heads of St. Cyriacus and St. Julietta cut off. They then received martyrdom and the crown of honor God prepared for them. 
                                     May their prayer be with us!!
Source: Ethiopic Synaxarium, on Hamle 19 (July 26).