Mystery of Incarnation

Dear Children of God! how are you? How was feast of Easter (resurrection)? We assume you had a joyful holiday! How is school and your life at home with your family? Hope you have become good children to your parents and brave students at school. It is always important to remember the value of having proper discipline and character so that we could be good children of God, to be given a life full of peace, love and happiness.

Children, the life that our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ gave us is filled with true love, peace and joy. If we could be aware (know) and understand His way of salvation which is known as “Mystery of Incarnation,” we would be saved from all the problems and suffering that our enemy Satan brings upon us. Our Lord died for us because He loved us dearly (so much). He was crucified on the cross, on the sixth day known as “Arebe” locally, and buried. But then, He rise on the third day, the Sabbath (“Ehud” in Amharic) and declared resurrection of the dead (life after bodily death and life in heaven).

This is what we call “Mystery of Incarnation.” We have seen the meaning of the word ‘mystery’ last time which is “secret, hidden and un explained.’ ‘Incarnation,’ ‘Tewahedo’ in Amharic language, is the wearing flesh of the Lord through His birth from Holy Mother Saint Mary to save all human race (people). If our Lord has not become man, being born from Saint Virgin Mary, He would not bear all the suffering and die for us so that we would go to hell (be punished by everlasting fire). It is because He came down from the heavens, taught us the gospel (word of God), baptized, did all the miraculous in healing and curing all the aliments (sickness), lames and leprosies (disability), that we have faith in His salvation (saving us).
Dear Children of God! before the Lord came to earth to save all human beings, He vowed (promised, told) the first mankind Adam, He will be born from his recipient (heir, race), crucified, die and resurrect (rise from the dead) and save him from everlasting fire. Since Adam ate the forbidden fruit by disobeying God’s law, he was kicked out of heaven with his wife Eve and bear many suffering on earth. He was hunted, tortured and tormented (put to suffering) facing all kinds of problems on earth by the evil. Satan used his devious (evil, harmful) ways to fail him in obeying the Lord’s rule and order so that he would punished forever in hell. It is known that the devil his cruel, bad and harmful but Adam did know he was going to fail him.

After his fail, Adam lived in misery on this earth, crying so much and begging God’s mercy. So, God the Father sent His begotten (only) Son to earth, for He could save the world. If our Lord has not sacrificed Himself on the cross, we would all go to hell. After leaving 930 years on earth, Adam waited in hell for the Lord Jesus Christ coming because then heaven was not opened. Even all the righteous fathers, saints and prophets in the Torah (Old Testament) were in hell until the Lord came down from the heavens, preached His words, baptized, performed miraculous, healed many maladies (different kinds of disease), but then was captured by the Jews, stripped, whipped 6666 times, stabbed by spike, died and rise from the dead. On His resurrection, He went to heaven, declared the resurrection (the rise from the dead of us) and saved those who were in hell. This was done on the first Sabbath locally known as “Qidamea” after 5500 years of the Lord’s Covenant (promise) to Adam.

Dear Children of God, therefore it is very important to know this and that is the main reason, we teach you about “The Mystery of Incarnation.” We shall all understand the way of true life that our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ gave us by His crucifixion as He said Himself, “I am the way and the truth and the life.” (John 14:6)

Farewell, we hope you have understood our lesson and learn about it more at Church.

May God be with you, Amen!