Which do you remember?

Dear Children of God! how are you? Glory to God for enriching us from the Year of John to the Year of Matthew! How have you welcomed this new year? We hope you have set good plans and wishes in your spiritual life and education futurity.

Children! it is also vital to understand the importance of church education as we have been notifying you so far. The value of it is not determined by just words but by the action throughout Christianity. Thus, you are to seek, ask and respond within the educational system before your teachers.

Little ones! we have brought you a new type of lesson to know how much you remember the lessons we have been presenting to you until present. It is entitled “Which do you remember?” And in accordance to the questions we have prepared below, you will send us your response on our website address “website.english@eotcmk.org” and “https://t.me/Hiwot122716”

1. Who is the woman that has found the Holy Cross Which Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ was crucified on, after three hundred years of burial by the Jews? ………………………………………………………………………………………..
• And what was the name of her son who has announced the liberty of Christianity faith and allowed performance of worshiping of God?………………………………………………………………………………………………

2. She was with Saint Lalibella when he built the temple from stones. Her parents have raised her by the education of religion and good manner. By the good will of God, she wed the King Lalibella and built the Rock Hewn Church called “Bete Libanos.” Who is this good child of God? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..
3. He was amongst the seven deacons Saint Apostles chose to serve the laities. He was confronted and stoned by the Jews whilst his preaching the word of God. He prayed to God as well, to have mercy on his enemies during the stoning. He then become martyr. Who is this Saint? ………………..

4. Her parents are called Atnasia and Theodor. They were God fearing people and gave birth to her with in vow of God. They raised her by the education of religion and liturgy so as for her to be obedient. She then become a monk. However, Satan brought much suffering through the pagan King Diocletian. So she fled to country called Armenia. There also, the King called Dertades tormented her more. She preserved in faith until her martyrdom on Mesekerem 29. Who is this Saint? ………………………….

5. She resented the glory of this world and started monastic life leaving everything. She has prayed for many and even for Satan’s salvation. She has once saved a man who was consumed by the evil spirit and defied God by her prayer. Who is this Saint? …………………………………………………………

6. She was God fearing, faithful and real woman. But some two teachers were jealous of her and accused her for something not of her fault. When she was about to be penalized (be punished), God sent Prophet Daniel where he confirmed her innocent by wisdom. Who is she? ………………………

7. Dear Children of God! what are the external and internal preparation for the liturgy of prayer? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………
8. Write the Seven Heavens created on the first day “Ehud,” according to the Doctrine of Creation? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
9. When were Sun, Moon and Stars created? ………………………………………………..
10. What are the Seven Sacraments of the Church?
Dear Children of God! we have enquired (asked) you few from the wide education you have learned so far, under the topic entitled “Which do you remember?”

We hope you answer all the questions properly and better yet study more for the full spiritual preparation. As the will of God is for us to know His words, Law and commandments for us to live Christian life and inherit the Kingdom of Heaven, we shall learn all the church education.

Farewell children! We have finished for now and leave you with a good hope and wish in meeting you for next time. Do not forget to send us your response starting today until the following ten days on the stated address above.

May God be with you, Amen!