Holy: The Second Week of The Great Lent

Theological definitions of the word Holy stated in The King James Bible New Version are:

     1. Properly, whole, entire or perfect, in a moral sense. Hence, pure in heart, temper or dispositions; free from sin and sinful affections. Applied to the Supreme Being, holy signifies perfectly pure, immaculate and complete in moral character; and man is more or less holy as his heart is more or less sanctified, or purified from evil dispositions. We call a man holy when his heart is conformed in some degree to the image of God, and his life is regulated by the Divine Precepts. Hence, holy is used as nearly synonymous with good, pious, Godly. “Be holy; for I am holy.  (1 Peter 1:16)

  1. Hallowed; consecrated or set apart to a sacred use, or to the service or worship of God; a sense frequent in Scripture; as the holy Sabbath; holy oil; holy vessels; a holy nation; the holy temple; a holy priesthood.
  2. Proceeding from pious principles, or directed to pious purposes; as holy zeal.
  3. Perfectly just and good; as the holy law of God.
  4. Sacred; as a holy witness.

The Second Week of the Great Lent is named with this word “Holy.”  Saint Yared (Jared) in his Book of “Tsome Deguwa” has given this name as a dedication of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ’s coming from the heavens accord the covenant to the first creation Adam, for the salvation and blessing of mankind and as exemplary for holiness in His Divine Wisdom of redemption.

The Divine Attributes of God are all holy and thus He told us, His creatures, “Be holy; for I am holy.”  (1 Peter 1:16) This is His Own Divine Wealth but not given to Him by any. Holy Scriptures have become witness for this. As He is holy in His attribute, He is praised like, “Holy Holy Holy.” (Joshua 6:1, 3, 40:25, Revelation 15:4, 1 Samuel 2:2-3).

We as well praise Him saying, “Hallowed be Your Name” just as His Holy Son thought us. He is the only One Who bestows holiness. The word “Holy” is given for Angels, Righteous people, Sacred place, Icons and Days of Feast, by the holiness from the Divine Attributes of God. This is known to be “The Holiness of Grace.”

God’s Holy words teaching us through the Apostle Saint Peter saying, “but as He who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct, because it is written, “Be holy, for I am holy,” is the illustration of this notion. (1 Peter 15-16)

Saint Paul has said, “God did not call us to uncleanness, but in holiness.” (1 Thessalonians 4:6-8) These words of the apostle are the explanation of man created for holiness from the beginning. He has also thought the people of Ephesians saying “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ, just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love.” (Ephesians 1:3-6)

God loves mankind dearly for He created the whole universe purposefully for him and “to shine in the world as the pinnacle of His creation connecting the material world with the spiritual realm.” (“Doctrine of Creation” course Module by Teacher Fikre Mariam, 2014) After God created the world, He created man providing all the significant things and placed him in heaven to live in holiness.

Unfortunate to Adam though, for he defied God’s Law eating the forbidden fruit, who was condemned to live earthly life being sent out of heaven. To regain back his grace and holiness, The Holy Son Came Down from the heavens by humility from His Divine Glory and be born from Holy Mother Saint Mary. The Lord’s Divine wisdom did not seize here nor did anyone or thing hindered His work of redemption.  He was baptized, prayed diligently with prostration, beaten, mocked, and endured much more suffering and then crucified for taking back His first creation of mankind Adam, to his previous honor and holiness.

The personhood cleansed by the Blood Shed of Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, is the stamp of our salvation and key to the heavenly Kingdom. The path He paved for us whilst the apostasy age is the way of true life and holiness. He said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” (John 14:6) These words of our Lord are the clarification of the gate to God’s Kingdom which is bestowed through the Holy Son’s scarification for us upon the cross.

Dear Brethren! It is therefore important to carry the cross and live Christian life diligently to be cleansed from any curse and preserved from any harm in leaving holy life. Forefathers, Patristic Fathers, Righteous, Saints, Monks, Hermits and Martyrs all lived a holy life by carrying the cross enduring any misery on earth for the truth of God, sacrifice for their faith and religion. And were given the key to His Kingdom after honorably departing from this world escorted by Angels. We need to learn from the lives of children of God and inherit eternal life.

May God’s mercy, safeguard and Holy Mother Saint Mary’s intercession be with us, Amen!