Children! Obey your parents in the Lord (Ephesians 6:5)
Dear Children of God! How are you? How is the second semester? We hope you are learning and studying well more than before to score good grades!
Little ones! We have begun the Great Lent today. We believe you will fast as much as you can. You shall also not forget to attend Holy Church and learn spiritual teachings. Good! Children, now we will learn about obedience.
Obeying is saying “yes, and taking responsibility of what we are asked to do.” Within order there are signs (principles) that say, “Do this, and don’t do this.” There are orders that Our Lord, God has told us to do and not to do. For example, amongst the Ten Commandments, there is an order that says, “Do not steal.” And if we look at the order we are told to do, we find the words of God that says, “Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy”; “Love your neighbor as yourself.” (Exodus 20:8, Matthew 22:39)
Dear Children of God! Doing what we are order makes us be blessed. And not doing what we are order or disobeying the law makes us cursed or bring curse upon us. It is written in the Holy Bible about the advantage and disadvantage about obeying and disobeying as follows; “If you are willing and obedient, You shall eat the good of the land; But if you refuse and rebel,
You shall be devoured by the sword”; For the mouth of the Lord has spoken.” (Isaiah 1:19-20)
Dear Children of God! The value of obeying is great and thus, we shall obey our elderly’s instructions and they will provide all the necessary things for us. We will also receive all of our good desire.
Saint Paul has advised children to obey their parents by the message to the laities (believers) of Ephesian. (Ephesians 6:5) Obeying parents bestows (gives) us benediction. Then we shall say “yes” to our parent’s instructions and obey them since they are the ones who raise, nurture and provide the essentials of life.
Dear Children, it is written in the bible as “For a father’s blessing strengthens the houses of the children, but a mother’s curse uproots their foundations.” (Book of Sirach 3:9) The Wise Solomon tells us about him being obedient to his parents and the benefit he received by obeying. H says, “When I was my father’s son, Tender and the only one in the sight of my mother, He also taught me, and said to me: “Let your heart retain my words; Keep my commands, and live.” (Proverb 4:3-4)
The Holy Bible also says, “Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, And to heed than the fat of rams.” (Book of Samuel 1st, 15:21), you see children! Disobeying God as well as not doing our parents order and doing what we are pleased just by assuming it is good, will bring blame rather than be blessed. When we obey, we have to give first priority to the instructions of our elderly’s but not our desire.
Saints who are role model to obedience are Father Noah and Saint John the short. They obeyed God’s word and lived by His command. Noah was the only man who obeyed God and His order at that time. He was saved with his family, from the Lord’s wrath, the flood of water, by the ship he was order to build.
Saint John the short was righteous man, who was known for his humility, patience and obedience. Then one day, his teacher Aba Pemouah, who was thinking of teaching lesson, order him to plant a dry stick in the ground and water it every day till it should bring forth fruit.
Saint John did so with great simplicity, though the river was about 12 miles away from the stick. When he had continued his task and without speaking one word about it, the stick, which had taken root, produced leaves, buds and fruit. This is the result of kindness and obedience. (Homily on Coptic Orthodox Church)
Dear Children of God! We must always obey our elder’s instructions. Our obedience shall also be to God but not only to people. If we obey the Lord’s command, He will protect us from any harm in our lives and blesses us.
Farwell! We have finished our lesson for today and hope to meet you on our next lesson. May we remind you to attend the Church and learn more of spiritual education!
May God be with you; Amen!