I magnify my ministry!

The word of God’s expansion to the world is the highest and foremost honored service to keep and adhere. Gospel has been expanded in this globe variously accord its historic development in religious order and command of the Lord.

Let’s Preserve Orthodox Christian Society!

Orthodox Christian Society is a society that professes the ancient faith that Lord and Savior Jesus Christ preached, the Apostles taught, the Fathers kept, and the Martyrs confessed. The social life we lead in our Christianity is the unity with the Orthodox Church. The lifestyle we follow are our orthodox faith, view and Christians endeavors harmonized by the law of God and order of the church.

Which do You Remember?

Dear Children of God! How are you? Glory to God! How is school and life with your beloved ones? We hope you have been well in your spiritual life and brave in church education.

Little ones! We have brought you a new type of lesson to know how much you remember the lessons we have been presenting to you until present.  It is entitled “Which do you remember?” And in accordance to the questions we have prepared below, you will send us your response on our website address website.english@eotcmk.org and https://t.me/Hiwot122716

Let us save our Social Life!

Alike times like this, in passing hardships, the life we make in unity with our families, relatives and neighbors is a strong bond and armament. Our Ethiopian forefathers have a proverb in the local language which is translated as “fifty lemons for fifty people, is jewelry; for one person, is a load.” The unity of people solves the extreme barricade.

The individual life we lead has its own consequences. Living in an apartment or isolated house lone, seeking and owning a silent surrounding, being in a state of earning an income and also leisure, having stable health devoid of any kind of illness and anticipate successful future, might only earn us temporary comfort; however in the long run brings many anxiety, distress, parting from God and spiritual failure.

“There are many who say, who will show us any good?” (Psalm 4:6)

It seems as the Prophet David said these words for those who reached up to the harsh and hard time, seeking for the good rather than the bad; not the crooked but the straight; the light other than the dark; the confused pupil craving for a teacher.


Dear Children of God! how are you? How is school? Are you studying hard? You shall start you study soon! You must also ask what you do not understand and learn a spiritual education in your leisure time. If you study hard now, you will become what you aspire in the future! What you have to do when you enter you home, is not only to do your homework; but also to revise what you have learned! Then, ask your teachers; good!

In our previous lesson, we presented to you some questions and you have send us your responses. And we have send you the answers. And for now we teach you about “Intercession.” Follow us!

Woe to me!

out of sin I was born
defying His words, gone by impious instruction
standing on sinful way, I sat on joker’s chair
drowning on water storm, I drank death beaker

My Starved Soul!

The nemesis attempts to control my entire life, tormenting and torturing me day and night. The life I led in misery, was full of anxiety and distress, yet, have not given up hope. But when I seek the peace of my existence, it was afar as the sky.

The Seven Sacraments

Dear Children of God! how are you? How was the season of the “Fast of the Assumption of Mary?” The fast that children from elderly fast has ended and we believe you have been attending the Divine Liturgy in your local churches. Our Fathers Saint Apostle’s prayer was heard by Holy Mother Saint Mary for her intercession of Lord and Savior Jesus Christs and be blessed by her resurrection and ascension.

Children! We have consequently present you lessons on “The seven Sacraments” and if you remember, last time we have seen about “The Sacraments of Baptism, Myron and Holy Communion.” Now, we will see about “The Sacrament of Penance and Unction of the Sick.” Be with us!

The Strengthened Heart

Years ago, his envious heart use to drive the conscious mind out of control, unable to gather the thoughts and make just decision. He saw the straight path twisted, the highest hill as low, the bulged and uneven alike comfortable, incapable to make a right decision. Love changed all this. It lighted his haughty eyes, dissipates his over pride and gloom giving him eternal peace.