“God is Love” (1 John 4:8)
Dear Children of God! How are you? How is the second semester final exam? We assume and hope those of you who have been learning and studying well, have passed your exams with good grades. A student does not study at the time of exam or a bit earlier; but, follows the lessons attentively from the beginning, read books, ask teachers questions for something he/she does not understand and also participate at class works and home works.
We forward our caring opinion for those who might have not passed exams or scored poor grades to be active in classrooms, start learning and studying well for the next exams in passing on to the next grade.
Little ones, may we also remind you about the spiritual life that you can live by obtaining Church education attending your local Churches. Good! Now, we will proceed to our lesson which is about love. You might remember our previous lesson on hope. And this section is the following part.