“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patient… ” (Galatians 5:22)

Dear Children of God! How are you? How is school and life with your beloved ones? We have reached the second week of “The Great Lent/ The Fast of Christ.” We hope you are attending your local Churches with your families and fasting as much as you can! You shall also pray much more than usual.

It is important to learn and study firmly as well because our parents expect good results and great success from us. So then, we must not be lazy but be educated well to become brave children. Ok, good! Children, last time we have learned about obedience. And for today, we will see about patient. Follow us attentively!

Ready for an Epic Gathering, yet again?

Calling all incoming freshmen, college students, and recent grads! Join us for our 7th in-person General Assembly in Hamele at Atlanta! Don’t miss out!

Register now to secure your spot using the link below. Let’s embark on this spiritual journey of connection and enlightenment together.

We can’t wait to see you!

You can get the registration form in this address:-


“God is Love” (1 John 4:8)

Dear Children of God! How are you? How is the second semester final exam? We assume and hope those of you who have been learning and studying well, have passed your exams with good grades. A student does not study at the time of exam or a bit earlier; but, follows the lessons attentively from the beginning, read books, ask teachers questions for something he/she does not understand and also participate at class works and home works.

We forward our caring opinion for those who might have not passed exams or scored poor grades to be active in classrooms, start learning and studying well for the next exams in passing on to the next grade.

Little ones, may we also remind you about the spiritual life that you can live by obtaining Church education attending your local Churches. Good! Now, we will proceed to our lesson which is about love. You might remember our previous lesson on hope. And this section is the following part.

Matrimony and Gender

The foundation and culmination of Christian matrimony are rooted in God. In holy matrimony, the two men and woman become one through the holy sacrament. Without entering into a covenant with the One who grants us His Kingdom, starting marriage would be akin to the Old Testament concept of worldly, earthly and fleshly unions. These would exist solely for procreation, fulfilling physical desires, or resolving disputes, making matrimony a mere worldly endeavor. In Christian matrimony, however, these are gifts from God Himself. If we remain steadfast in our faith and live a virtuous life, we are promised the inheritance of the heavenly Kingdom.

I magnify my ministry!

Mahibere Kidusan is fulfilling its responsibility of childhood for the fulfillment of the universal empowerment of the church. By this, it has succeeded on the fulfilling patristic father’s fatherly advice and work order. Currently the association is active on implementing the new and reached constitution as institution with the capacity of the observation of the church’s current general state and for the provision of modern apostolic service raising capacity.

This institutional change implementation is organized by researching of its previous works and differentiates those for the systematic ways and triumph. Furthermore, it will enable to provide opportunity in working in partnership with the shareholders.

“Now abide faith, hope, love, these three” (1 Corinthians 13:13)

Dear Children of God! How are you? How were feasts of Lord and Savior Jesus Birthday as well as Feasts of Baptism? We hope you have spent it with your family, neighbors, friends and all beloved ones!

How about your education? There might be those of you who have taken exams or who are currently taking exams and even those getting ready to take exams. Therefore, for those who have taken exams, we wish for good grades; and for students who have not finished their exams, we remind you to be brave and study well in scoring good grades. It is our faith you will receive good results if you learn and study well. Ok! Good!

Little ones, for now we will proceed to our lesson entitled “Hope.

Matrimony and Gender

Will is the foundation of thought; a person begins to think about a matter through ones will. In this regard, thought and will are interdependent and share a harmonious and complementary meaning. Matrimony, in its essence, is a covenant, an agreement established between two parties. Managing a household, for example, is a covenant (agreement) based on will. Since the Matrimony covenant is founded on mutual consent, its ultimate purpose transcends this world and finds its fulfillment in the Kingdom of Heaven, where we place our hope.

I magnify my ministry!

The word of God’s expansion to the world is the highest and foremost honored service to keep and adhere. Gospel has been expanded in this globe variously accord its historic development in religious order and command of the Lord.

Let’s Preserve Orthodox Christian Society!

Orthodox Christian Society is a society that professes the ancient faith that Lord and Savior Jesus Christ preached, the Apostles taught, the Fathers kept, and the Martyrs confessed. The social life we lead in our Christianity is the unity with the Orthodox Church. The lifestyle we follow are our orthodox faith, view and Christians endeavors harmonized by the law of God and order of the church.

Which do You Remember?

Dear Children of God! How are you? Glory to God! How is school and life with your beloved ones? We hope you have been well in your spiritual life and brave in church education.

Little ones! We have brought you a new type of lesson to know how much you remember the lessons we have been presenting to you until present.  It is entitled “Which do you remember?” And in accordance to the questions we have prepared below, you will send us your response on our website address website.english@eotcmk.org and https://t.me/Hiwot122716