“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patient… ” (Galatians 5:22)

Dear Children of God! How are you? How is school and life with your beloved ones? We have reached the second week of “The Great Lent/ The Fast of Christ.” We hope you are attending your local Churches with your families and fasting as much as you can! You shall also pray much more than usual.

It is important to learn and study firmly as well because our parents expect good results and great success from us. So then, we must not be lazy but be educated well to become brave children. Ok, good! Children, last time we have learned about obedience. And for today, we will see about patient. Follow us attentively!

Patient is “tolerance, endurance, generosity, humbleness, mercifulness.” Our Lord God is patient. We are thought about His patient in the bible as, “The Lord is merciful and gracious, Slow to anger, and abounding in mercy.” (Psalm 103:8)

Saint Peter in his epistle (message) told us about God’s patient which is for our salvation (saving of soul from hell) saying, “Consider that the longsuffering of our Lord is salvation.” (2 Peter 3:15)
Dear Children of God! The Lord is patient and so He does everything in patient. He does not hurry. But whilst people desire something in life and could not be patient and did not receive something, we assume God is late. However, He is not late but has His own time of doing things and there is no one faster than Him.

The Righteous Job

The righteous Job was patient man and is an exemplary person. He is a father whose story is in scripted in the Holy Bible. He lived in fear of God and was a kind and humble man. He always praised God and was a righteous man whose house was full of grace and not shortage of anything.

Then once upon a time, he lost everything he owned; also he got sick. Even then, he praised God and lived like that for a long time. But his friends bothered him mentioning opposing his silence. They attempted (tried) to make him give up hope but he defeats them with patient. He endured all the pain and problems.

After that, God saw Job’s patient and cure him from his illness. He gave him blessed children and wealth again. The exemplary story of Job is told throughout generation. The Holy Bible says, “Indeed we count them blessed who endure. You have heard of the perseverance of Job and seen the end intended by the Lord that the Lord is very compassionate and merciful.” (James 5:11)

Dear Children of God, being patient is a good thing; it helps us to obtain what we need and desire. Not being patient brings trouble on us. But if we are patient, God we look upon us. He will consider our patient and give us all the good things. We have to therefore be patient.

Good children! We will finish here for today! As we always tell you, do not forget to learn and study hard, be obedient children’s and do good for other people. And also, attend the Church on Sabbath with your families.

May God be with you; Amen!