I magnify my ministry!
Part Three
Mahibere Kidusan is capable to highly contribute, by the origination of its members who confer their profession for the church. It has particularly seized the excess expense the church spends for the affairs on the constructions of churches designs and other expansion projects. In 2015 (E.C.), it was able to circumvent the 10-million-birr expense for the new construction design of the 42 implemented projects and additionally saved 5 million birr for the 20 follow up and consultation project. In addition to saving the expense money for the projects, the association was able to make the developmental work keep the liturgy of the church and comfortable for the services of laity.
Moreover, the engineering department, the medial professionals within the association is providing consultation service for laities other than providing medical treatment for the servile of church. In particular, it was able to provide medical aid and consultation services to servile and laities attacked by the listed problems above.
Amongst the service Mahibere Kidusan is focusing on is the provision of gospel and apostolic services. Huge work has been done on creating awareness on laity about the gospel of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ within the apostolic service aid. Specific to the south and west parts of Ethiopia different projects are systemized for laities to know the church found in the diocese and her education. By training the preachers, doing translations work for laities to learn by different languages, establishing local churches and gospel assembly centres as well as baptize laities after teaching, it has done successful work.
The Association is expanding the education of theology by Malian, Gamon, Bench, Kambata hadith Gideon’s, Kafa Nono and Konso languages. Not only this, but has made the teachers of these different languages to be trained and set out to serve. 100 teachers have been trained whom are found in coastal areas working in partnership with the Sunday schools in Addis Ababa Diocese.
Large amount of non-believers has received Childhood of the church, by the support and follow up of these teachers. 36, 635 and 48 new believers within one year, who live abroad learned and baptized receiving childhood.
It is significant to build churches and gospel centres, the non-believers to be served after their baptism. The association thus has been working on this at different times. For instance, in Kemebata Alaba Tembaro Halaba Diocese two, Welaita Diocese two, Gamogofa Diocese one, in Bench Bako, Sheka and Omo Zones Dioces three and on south Omo Dioces and Kafa Disoces three churches have been constructed in 2015.
Mahibere Kidusan has highly contributed for the expansion of the psalm service to laity which is amongst the gospel service according to the church liturgy. Particularly to the work done on songs instruments, it has brought huge difference on the service pf public feasts, for the personal usage of laity and praise God.
Supporting the church service by the research and study is another work the association is working in focus. It has presented research and study magazines to the church in 2015 (E.C.) thru scamming many issues.
An Encyclopedia is being provided by the research and study center of the association about the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church, law of mindset, Pentateuch law and law of gospel, the knowledge, history and wisdom and talent.
The foremost aim of the association beginning its establishment is to provide information about the church for laity. Using its publishing mass media, Hamer Magazine and Tsmatsdik Newspaper, it is presenting information, church education and messages. Recently also, is presenting 24-hour breakfast service transmitting various spiritual programs. Mahibere Kidusan has shown high triumph by implementing spiritual television channel, its first in kind to transmit live programs.
In general, Mahibere Kidusan is fulfilling its responsibility of childhood for the fulfillment of the universal empowerment of the church. By this, it has succeeded on the fulfilling patristic father’s fatherly advice and work order. Currently the association is active on implementing the new and reached constitution as institution with the capacity of the observation of the church’s current general state and for the provision of modern apostolic service raising capacity.
This institutional change implementation is organized by researching of its previous works and differentiates those for the systematic ways and triumph. Furthermore, it will enable to provide opportunity in working in partnership with the shareholders.