Holy Scriptures

More than every holy books in the history of creation of holy scriptures, Holy Church gives first priority to Holy Bible. The word of God scripted by the grace of Holy Spirit in the hands of chosen Saints, is in this holy book. It is both the father and mother of any other books that the Orthodox Incarnation Church gives recognition by the Law and Order of the Lord.

Forefathers have foretold about the prophecies that were to be written in the Old Testament and New Testament including the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ work of Salvation, hagiography of the apostles, saints and martyrs. Holy scriptures are the first witness to the work of God and all the saints within the Orthodox Christianity creed.

The Bible Society of Ethiopia has recognized Holy scriptures that are to be utilized for the enrichments of spiritual knowledge and fulfillment of spirituality. These are listed as:-

  • Old Testament: 46
  • New Testament:35
  •  Liturgical books
  • Hagiographies

The Holy Books of the Old Testament

2. Exodus
3. Leviticus
4. Numbers
5. Deuteronomy
6. Joshua
7. Judges
8. Ruth
9. I and II Samuel
10. I and II Kings
11. I Chronicles
12. II Chronicles
13. Jublee
14. Enoch
15. Ezra and Nehemia
16. Ezra (2nd) and Ezra Sutuel
17. Tobit
18. Judith
19. Esther
20. I Maccabees
21. II and III Maccabees
22. Job
23. Psalms
24. Proverbs
25. Tegsats (Reproof)
26. Metsihafe Tibeb (the books of wisdom)
27. Ecclesiastes
28. The Song of Songs
29. Isaiah
30. Jeremiah
31. Ezekiel
32. Daniel
33. Hosea
34. Amos
35. Micah
36. Joel
37. Obadiah
38. Jonah
39. Nahum
40. Habakkuk
41. Zephaniah
42. Haggai
43. Zechariah
44. Malachi
45. Book of Joshua the son of Sirac
46. The Book of Josephas the Son of Bengorion

The Holy Books of the New Testament

  1. Matthew
    2. Mark
    3. Luke
    4. John
    5. The Acts
    6. Romans
    7. I Corinthians
    8. II Corinthians
    9. Galatians
    10. Ephesians
    11. Philippians
    12. Colossians
    13. I Thessalonians
    14. II Thessalonians
    15. I Timothy
    16. II Timothy
    17. Titus
    18. Philemon
    19. Hebrews
    20. I Peter
    21. II Peter
    22. I John
    23. II John
    24. III John
    25. James
    26. Jude
    27. Revelation
    28. Sirate Tsion (the book of order)
    29. Tizaz (the book of Herald)
    30. Gitsew
    31. Abtilis
    32. The I book of Dominos
    33. The II book of Dominos
  1. The book of Clement
    35. Didascalia
  1. Theological Books

Haymanote Abew or the Faith of the Fathers in which other writings of the Apostolic Fathers and also of the Eastern Orthodox Church fathers are to be found.
– Works of Saint Cyril and many other writers.
– The exegesis of the letter to the Hebrews by Saint John Chrysostom.
– The pastoral work of Saint John Chrysostom.
– Severious of Asmunage – a collection of twelve exegetical works, which prove the teaching concerning God.
– A book that proves the existence of God Hilawae – Melekote
– The book of Hawi, which proves the teaching concerning God.
– Book of the mystery by Abba Georgis containing arguments and evidence about the mysteries.
– Religious documentary book by Jacob of Elbaredia.
– The true faith (written during the reign of Zera Yacob)
– The five pillars of the Sacraments (as Catechism).

  1. Books on the orders of the church

– The liturgical book with the 14 Anaphora
– Ghitsacwa –Lectionaries or a list of annual reading of the scriptures during the liturgical service and other prayer hours.
– The book of the Sacrament of Matrimony (Metsehafe Teklil)
– The book of Baptism
– The book of Ordination
– The book of Covenant
– The prayer book for the dead
– The prayer book of the Incense
– The book of Canon
– The prayer book of purification

  1. Books on Church administration and on counseling

– A big book on the Synod of the Apostles in four parts
– The Didache and Abthulis
– The book on the Synod of Nicea
– The book on the Synod of Galatia
– The book on the Synod of Antioch
– The book on the Synod of Lethokia
– The book on the Synod of Kerthica
– The book on the Synod of Esrskousia
– The book on the Synod of Srethia
– The book of Fetha Negast
– Spiritual Medicine (Fewse Menfsawi)
– Exegesis on the meeting of clergy (Tikbe Kahenat)

  1. Scared books

Most of these books are written in sections or parts for bindings, these are

– The old & The New Testaments
– The Books of the scholars of the Church
– Metsehafe Menequsat (book of the Monks)

  1. Hymn books, mostly by Saint Yared
    – Digua
    – Thesome Digua
    – Mieraf
    – Zimare
    – Mewasiet
    – Zik
    – Mezmur
    – Liturgy (Kedasie)
    – Saatat (of ABBA Giorgis)
  1. Books on Liturgical Calendar

– Book of Abushakir
– Sid, the Son of Batrik
– Mark son of Kenbar
– Leader of Blind – by Demetros
– Mathematics concerning calendar by the Monastery of Bizen

  1. Historical Books

– First writing on Zion
– Biography (Gedle) of Lalibela
– History of the Kings of Axum
– History of the Kings of Zagwe
– On the treasure of the kings
– On the honor of the Kings
– Tefut
– Biography (Gedle) of Tekla Haimanot
– George the son of Amid
– History of Alexander
– Works of the brothers – Part II
– Books on preaching

  1. Compositions (works) on the virgins (celibates)

– Writings (compositions) on the woman who anointed Jesus
– Compositions (writings) on the Samaritan woman
– Writings on the birth of Christ
– Writings on Epiphany
– Writings on the Resurrection etc.

  1. Hagiographies

Lives and works of the Saints, martyrs, monks, hermits and monastics from all the over the world that are known and chosen by God.

  1. Different philosophical books

– Wogris the Wise (philosopher)
– Angare Felasfa (collections from philosophers)
– Thoughts and commentary of Zera Yacob of Axum

  1. Books on the tradition and culture of the country

– On old age and adolescence
– Customs and traditions of Ethiopia

  1. Books on Doctrine of Creation

– Books on Nature and Science Part II and I
– Aximaros
– Phisalgos on Animals and Others

  1. Books, which show writings of compositions

– The composition or writing of one of the criminals (outlaws), who was hanged with Jesus
– On the Miracles of Saint Mary and many other apocryphal books are to be found.

  1. Ancient grammatical books

Canon Law

Canon Law and rules in Christian life and worship of the Ethiopian Church, are contained in the Sinodos and Didascalia, two compilations of ancient church canons, dating from the second period of Ethiopic literature. These canons are closely associated with the New Testament.

The Sinodos, classed as part of Ethiopic New Testament, is composed of various elements: Constitutions of Apostles, the Statutes of the Apostles, the Canons of the Apostles, the canons of Various councils-Nicaea, Gangra, Sardica, Antioch, New-Caesarca, Aneyra, Laodienea – and various theological and pastoml treatises. Eight books make up the Sinodos. Sinodos is the Corpus juris Ecclesiastic of the Church. The various discourses and treaties included in this Corpus are:-

  1. An exposition of the dialogue ascribed to Saint John Chrysostom.
    2. On the Essence of the Holy Trinity.
    3. On the fear of God.
    4. On the ancient people and a refutation of the Jews.
    5. A discourse of Saint Gregory of Armenia against the Jews.
    6. Hortatory discourse to believers who desire to walk in the paths of wisdom and knowledge.
    7. Hortatory discourse to believers who desire to walk in the paths of wisdom and knowledge.
    8. The discourse of the Nicene Fathers on the Holy Trinity.
    9. The penitential canons of our Lord to Peter.

 “Glory be to the Almighty God,” Amen!


A short history, faith and order of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahido Church, published by the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahido Church Holy Synod, Addis Ababa 1983.

Edited by Aymero W and Joachim M., The Ethiopian Orthodox Church, published by the Ethiopian Orthodox mission, Addis Ababa 1970.