Light on the Candlestick

I lit her up on the candlestick and she shined for me. Watching the luminosity from her light, give me eternal peace and am enriched hope. She became a beam of light to my troubled, anxious and violated mind, as a light lit within darkness. Looking at her blooming light, reveals the purpose of my existence for me. I hope and seek of reaching tomorrow seeing her on the candlestick. I get curious for the coming of dawn as well.

How contended is her beaming light in the dawn that utters the night I spend in peace and rest! It lushes and heartens love. Waking up on the bright side of the day and gazing at her, she seemed as “light on the candlestick.” My existence is because of her and so I call her “My life.”

Calling her name, was as sweet as a honey and milk in my mouth. Living under her shadow, she became my cane to walk thru the gale. “My Christianity” is my reliance and armor. For I need her to be light for me, I will live under her roof.

Every day “my light on the candlestick” showed me her power in being a light that taught me to not never qualm. Realizing my loneliness, enslavement, incarceration and anxiety, she filled my empty life with her luminous being my only hope.

The permeated eternity of her with hope, love and peace, gave me life. How can I live without love being created as a human? Didn’t the loving Lord die for love? Is there any expression of love more that sacrificing one’s life? My hope “His love”, shines up on the candlestick throughout my age. The triumph upon the cross with His crucifixion bestowed me peace thru you. The precious gift, named by His name and sealed with His Holy flesh and blood, “My Christianity”, is “light on the candlestick.”

“The light on the candlestick” shined for me all along, as her light is the Lord. He descended from the heavens, the world of only light but no darkness, to this chaotic and full of anxiety earth and took me out to the light. The light which is said to be “There shall be no night there: They need no lamp nor light of the sun, for the Lord God gives them light. And they shall reign forever and ever” is my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. (Revelation 22:5) He gave me resurrection with His resurrection and life with His life and He became my light.

Like a candlestick is strong stand for the a light, my religion, built on persevered faith, is a solid pillar to my Christianity. For I shall fruited with the glorified Incarnation Religion; to be called a Christian by Christ and to shine on the height, my religion is candlestick for my Christianity. My Christianity lighted on the candlestick, shines daily.

How is it possible for a human like me to live in a world with no light? I am afraid to be swallowed for there is no light but darkness in this world. I get dress for I crave peace. I frighten to be vain out of hopelessness. I feel emptiness when I lose my hope, “the light on the candlestick.” Sometimes she departs me when I am oblivious.

Other times, she be twilight observing my weakness and failure. Even then though, I hopefully watch her glimmering, to shine on the candlestick in my life. I await and be patient as well.

“My light on the candlestick” taught me not only tolerance; but also to bear suffering, pass hardships and not give up hope. Within all this, she revealed her light; for her candlestick is persevere and has a true light. “The true light that shines for all, in the world” my Lord is light for “My light on the candlestick.” (Praise of Mary of the Second Day)

It is with Christianity, which is “light on the candlestick,” that you became a light of the world thru the redemption upon the cross, carrying the Holy Cross in hope and walking on the Calvary, I will shine in glory by Christian life.

I ratified the sinful world that is slavery and dark, when I embraced your light. Saying “I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life,” you gave me the Christian life filled with light and so I praise you Lord, my light!

Glory to the Lord!